Fairness and Discrimination in Housing: Forbes
SpringRank: Science Daily, Tech Xplore
Universal Structure in Language: Christian Science Monitor, Quartz, Le Scienze
Post-Quantum Cryptography: Julie Rehmeyer's Math Trek column in Science News Prime
Hierarchical Structure and Predicting Missing Links: Nature (News and Views), Science News
Mapping the Internet: SIAM News
Small Worlds: SIAM News
The Three-body problem and the Figure-8 Orbit: Cosmic Variance, ScienceNOW, Science News/MathTrek, AMS Notices, SIAM News, Spektrum der Wissenschaft
SETI: ABC News, Science Daily
Polyominoes: Science News
Undecidable Dynamics (my Ph.D. thesis): Nature News and Views by Charles Bennett
Quanta article on undecidability in hydrodynamics