The 2015 LSSP Hackathon

Begins: 5:15 pm, 4 March 2014
Final presentations: 4 pm, 9 March 2014
Slides due to Alexander: 3 pm, 9 March 2014


Artemy Kolchinsky’s data-mining tools and iPython notebook examples
Information Theory for Intelligent People and Bayesian Reasoning for Intelligent People
Information Theory Cheat Sheet
What Makes a Group Succeed? / Final Hackathon Checklist

Hackathon Groups


Measuring surprise and distance in financial markets.
Bo-chiuan Chen, Scott McCaulay


Group Differences in the Social Norm of Holding Open Doors
Sam Berron, Drew Hrvatin, Mark Murphy, James Aldridge

North Korea's position towards South Korea's president
Boo Hyun Kim, Ning Kang, Yuanjie Li
"Super Optimistic Noodle Squad"

Wisdom of the genders
Sarah Curlin, Antonio Winn, Ben Rawlins, Kevin Carney

Are good characters immune from bad writers?
Sarin Patel, Christian Achgill, L. V. Venkateswaran
"The Entropy Bros"

Rock-Paper-Scissors: Humans vs. Computers
Eric Shelton, Jake Small
"The Abandoned"

Analyzing songs as a probability distribution
Tony Alvarado, Tyler Mayer, James Morrison

Effects on decision making of weighted consequence
Duncan Titus, Caulin Jones
"The Authorities"

Face game
Xin Yao, Bo Fang, Zhen Hou, Xinyu Ni
"Sheep, Goat, or Ram"

Weighing gender viewpoints
Amala Afoaku, Tom Vanko, Jason Green
"Will come up with later"

The study of sports champions
Brendan Hora, Caulan Blair, Garrett Bell

A three for you is a three for me
John Hupp, Jim Hupp
"Hupp Dreams"

#IUBB buzz.
Clayton Stewart, Jack Fagan, David West

How contract deals affect NFL athlete performance
Jesse Goldsholl, Ariel Byam
"Marko(v) Polo"

Entropy: Battle of the sexes
Jacob Bland, Var Brynildssen, Derek Thomas
"Entropic Thunder"

One soccer team win rate forecast
Yuanyuan Cai, Seung Soo, Hanyu Wang