“Class Power and Alienated Labor.” Monthly Review 26, no. 10 (1975): 9-25. [with Herbert Gintis]
Schooling in Capitalist America Revisited. Sociology of Education 75(1) (2002): 1-18. [with Herbert Gintis]
‘Social Capital’ and Community Governance. Economic Journal 112 (2002): 419-436. [with Herbert Gintis]
The Inheritance of Inequality. Journal of Economic Perspectives 16 (3) (2002): 3-30. [with Herbert Gintis]
Costly Signaling and Cooperation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 213 (2001): 103-119. [with Herbert Gintis, Eric Alden Smith].
Cooperation, Reciprocity and Punishment in Fifteen Small-scale Societies. American Economic Review 91(2) (2001): 73-78. [with R. Boyd, C. Camerer, E. Fehr, H. Gintis, J Henrich, and R. McElreath]. (Santa Fe Institute Working Paper #01-01-007).
The Determinants of Earnings: A Behavioral Approach. Journal of Economic Literature 34 (2001). [with Herbert Gintis and Melissa Osborne]
Incentive-Enhancing Preferences; Personality, Behavior, and Earnings.American Economic Review, 91(2), 155-158 (2001). [with Herbert Gintis and Melisssa Osborne]
In Search of Homo Economicus: Behavioral Experiments in 15 Small-Scale Societies. American Economic Review, 91(2), 73-78 (2001). [with Joseph Henrich, Robert Boyd, Colin Camerer, Ernst Fehr, Herbert Gintis and Richard McElreath]
Walrasian Economics in Retrospect. Quarterly Journal of Economics (2000). [with Herbert Gintis]
Wealth Inequality, Wealth Constraints and Economic Performance.Handbook of income distribution, 1, 541-603 December 6, 1999. [with Pranab Bardhan and Herbert Gintis].
Endogenous Preferences: The Cultural Consequences of Markets and Other Economic Institutions. Journal of Economic Literature 36 (1998): 75-111.
The Revenge of Homo Economicus: Contested Exchange and the Revival of Political Economy. Journal of Economic Perspectives 7(1) (1993): 83-102. [with Herbert Gintis]
A Polittical and Economic Case for the Democratic Enterprise. Economics and Philosophy 9 (1993): 75-100. [with Herbert Gintis]
Is Income Security Possible in a Capitalist Economy?: An Agency Theoretic Analysis of an Unconditional Income Grant. European Journal of Political Economy 8 (1992): 557-578.
Power and Wealth in a Competitive Capitalist Economy. Philosophy and Public Affairs21(4) (1992): 324-353. [with Herbert Gintis]
Business Ascendancy and Economic Impasse: A Structural Retrospective on Conservative Economics, 1979-1987. Journal of Economic Perspectives 3(1) (1989): 107-134. [with David M. Gordon, Thomas E. Weisskopf]
Contested Exchange: Political Economy and Modern Economic Theory. American Economic Review 78(2) (1988): 145-150. [with Herbert Gintis]
Labor Discipline and Aggregate Demand: A Macroeconomic Model. American Economic Review 78(2) (1988): 395-400. [with Robert Boyer]
Employment Rents and the Incidence of Strikes. The Review of Economics and Statistics 69(4) (1987): 584-592. [with Juliet B. Schor]
The Production Process in a Competitive Economy: Reply. The American Economic Review 76(5) (1986): 1203-1204.
The Production Process in a Competitive Economy: Walrasian, Non-Hobbesian, and Marxian Models. American Economic Review 75(1) (1985): 16-36.
Hearts and Minds: A Social Model of U.S. Productivity Growth. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1983(2) (1983): 381-441. [with Thomas E. Weisskopf, David M. Gordon]
The Welfare State and Long-Term Economic Growth: Marxian, Neoclassical, and Keynesian Approaches. The American Economic Review 72(2) (1982): 341-345. [with Herbert Gintis]
NOTE: Technical Change and the Profit Rate: A Simple Proof of the Okishio Theorem.Cambridge Journal of Economics 5 (1981): 183-186.
Capitalist Development and Educational Structure. World Development 6 (1978): 783-796.
The Problem with Human Capital Theory: A Marxian Critique. The American Economic Review 65(2) (1975): 74-82.
The “Inheritance of IQ” and the Intergenerational Reproduction of Economic Inequality.The Review of Economics and Statistics 56 (1974): 39-51.
Schooling and Inequality from Generation to Generation. Journal of Political Economy83(3) (1972): S219-S251.
Migration as Investment: Empirical Tests of the Human Investment Approach to Geographical Mobility. Review of Economics and Statistics 52(4) (1970): 356-362.
Aggregation of Labor Inputs in the Economics of Growth and Planning: Experiments with a Two-Level CES Function. Journal of Political Economy 78(1) (1970): 68-81.
The Determinants of Scholatic Achievement: An Appraisal of Some Recent Evidence.Journal of Human Resource 3(1) (1968): 3-24.
The Efficient Allocation of Resources in Education. The Quarterly Journal of Economics81(2) (1967): 189-219.